In a post-apocalyptic world, Leila Dawn (played by Natalie Floyd) stands as the last human survivor. After humanity abandoned the Earth they ravaged with nuclear war, Leila was brought up by robots. Despite this, she remains haunted by memories of her parents and driven by a desire to find other living beings. Accompanied by a robot from the Swat Team named Marker (portrayed by Lex Cassar), Leila embarks on a journey that leads her to uncover a human masquerading as a robot, Ray (played by Jake Lyall). This revelation exposes her to a truth she had been shielded from, igniting her ultimate mission. “PLUG” is a short film crafted by esteemed science-fiction art director David Levy, known for his work on “Tron Legacy,” “Prometheus,” “Ender’s Game,” and “Tomorrowland.” This film marks the beginning of Levy’s planned epic series or feature, chronicling Leila’s journey to reconnect with humanity and the difficult decisions she faces regarding her loyalties—whether to humans or robots.
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Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Short
Director: David Vyle Levy
Actors: Alexis Cassar, Jake Lyall, Jelena Nik, Konstantine Anthony, Natalie Floyd
Country: United States of America
Company: Marker20