Out of the Wild
The narrative follows Henry McBride, a cowboy struggling with a haunting past that he can’t escape through alcohol. With his finances depleted and no direction in life, he reluctantly takes a job at a dude ranch, a place far from ideal for a seasoned cowboy. There, he encounters Jessie King, the pragmatic owner who has a profound passion for horses. McBride embarks on a journey of self-discovery when Jessie shows him an innovative method to train a difficult mustang, a horse whose history and disposition reflect his own.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Romance, Western
Director: Paul Krizan
Actors: Benjamin Ashbrook, Cameron Dean, Jean Louisa Kelly, John Diehl, John Saint Ryan, Josh Fingerhut, Kevin McCorkle, Paul Schackman, Sewell Whitney, Sonia Iris Lozada
Country: United States of America
Company: Wild Basin Productions