Out of the Blue
Set against the serene backdrop of a small New Zealand town, this film delves into the harrowing true events of the 1990 Aramoana massacre. Directed by Robert Sarkies, the narrative follows the community’s struggle and resilience in the face of an unimaginable tragedy. The film features compelling performances, notably by Karl Urban, who brings depth to his role. While it did not receive major awards, it is praised for its gripping storytelling and attention to detail. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 31
Director: Robert Sarkies
Actors: Fayth Rasmussen, Georgia Fabish, Karl Urban, Lois Lawn, Matthew Sunderland, Paul Glover, Simon Ferry, Tandi Wright, Timothy Bartlett, William Kircher
Country: New Zealand
Company: Condor Films, Dendy Films, Desert Road Films
Worldwide Gross: $739,865