Set in the early 20th century, this poignant drama follows the life of a young girl from a poor family who is sent to work as a servant to support her family. The film explores themes of resilience and perseverance as the protagonist faces numerous hardships and challenges. Directed by Shin Togashi, the movie features a compelling performance by the young actress Ayane Omori in the lead role. While it may not have garnered major awards, it is noted for its heartfelt storytelling and historical authenticity. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Biography, Drama, Family
Director: Shin Togashi
Actors: Aya Ueto, Ayako Kobayashi, Gorô Inagaki, Jitsuko Yoshimura, Kayoko Kishimoto, Kokone Hamada, Manami Igashira, Pinko Izumi, Ryosuke Nogi, Shinnosuke Mitsushima
Company: Asahi Shimbun, Cable TV Yamagata, Chubu-nippon Broadcasting Company (CBC)
Worldwide Gross: $3,357,828