Once Upon a Christmas Wish
In the picturesque town of Long Grove, Mayor Brian Ortega is a cherished figure. As he joins the townspeople in decorating for Christmas, he stumbles upon his old Christmas wish list, which mysteriously starts to come to life, rekindling his appreciation for the holiday’s spirit and joy. Meanwhile, Brian’s childhood friend, Nina Meyers, returns to town for the festive season, and their undeniable connection grows as she supports him in tackling a new challenge facing the community. As Brian’s wishes unfold, he motivates the town to highlight its rich culture and values, aiming to preserve Long Grove’s charm and heart against the encroaching modern world.
Views: 12
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Brian Herzlinger
Actors: Brian McCartney, Courtney Lopez, Mario López, Sarafina Vecchio, Shaniece Cole, Shannon Brown, Tim Metzler
Country: United States of America
Company: Great American Media, Roberts Media., Synthetic Cinema International