On the 12th Date of Christmas
In this charming holiday romantic comedy directed by Gary Yates, two game designers, played by Mallory Jansen and Tyler Hynes, are tasked with creating a city-wide scavenger hunt themed around the 12 days of Christmas. As they collaborate on this festive project, they discover that their professional partnership might just lead to something more personal. The film captures the magic of the holiday season with its heartwarming storyline and engaging performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Comedy, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Gary Yates
Actors: Brynn Godenir, Cherissa Richards, Clare Filipow, Ian Collins, Jan Skene, Jay Koensgen, Mallory Jansen, Melissa Marie Elias, Tyler Hynes, Zoe Fish
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Cartel Pictures, Crown Media Productions, Hallmark Channel