Officer Down
In this gritty crime thriller directed by Brian A. Miller, a troubled detective, played by Stephen Dorff, finds himself entangled in a web of corruption and deceit as he investigates a case that hits too close to home. The film features a strong supporting cast, including James Woods and Dominic Purcell, who add depth to the intense narrative. As the detective delves deeper, he must confront his own demons while navigating a dangerous underworld. This movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Brian A. Miller
Actors: AnnaLynne McCord, Bree Michael Warner, David Boreanaz, Dominic Purcell, Elisabeth Röhm, James Woods, Stephen Dorff, Stephen Lang, Tommy Flanagan, Walton Goggins
Country: United States of America
Company: Jeff Most Productions, Most Films
Worldwide Gross: $255,080