Oddball and the Penguins
In this heartwarming family film directed by Stuart McDonald, an eccentric chicken farmer teams up with his granddaughter to save a colony of penguins from extinction. The story unfolds in a small Australian town where the penguins are threatened by foxes, and the unlikely hero, a mischievous dog named Oddball, is trained to protect them. The film stars Shane Jacobson and Sarah Snook, who deliver charming performances that bring the tale to life. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it is based on a true story, adding an extra layer of interest. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Stuart McDonald
Actors: Alan Tudyk, Coco Jack Gillies, Dave Lawson, Deborah Mailman, Frank Woodley, Richard Davies, Sarah Snook, Shane Jacobson, Tegan Higginbotham, Terry Camilleri
Country: Australia
Company: Kmunications, The Film Company, WTFN Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $10,117,550