North Sea Texas
Set in a small Belgian coastal town, this coming-of-age drama follows the life of Pim, a shy and introspective teenager, as he navigates the complexities of first love and self-discovery. The film beautifully captures the nuances of adolescence and the longing for connection, with standout performances by Jelle Florizoone and Mathias Vergels. Directed by Bavo Defurne, the movie is noted for its evocative cinematography and tender storytelling. While it didn’t receive major awards, it has been praised for its authentic portrayal of youthful emotions. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Bavo Defurne
Actors: Ben Van den Heuvel, Eva van der Gucht, Jelle Florizoone, Katelijne Damen, Mathias Vergels, Mickey, Nathan Naenen, Nina Marie Kortekaas, Noor Ben Taouet, Thomas Coumans
Country: Belgium
Company: Eén, Indeed films, Mollywood
Worldwide Gross: $58,436