Nine Days
In this thought-provoking film, a reclusive man named Will, portrayed by Winston Duke, is tasked with evaluating souls over a period of nine days to determine which one will be granted life on Earth. The narrative unfolds in a metaphysical realm, where each soul is given a chance to prove its worthiness through a series of tests and interviews. The film also stars Zazie Beetz and Benedict Wong, adding depth to the ensemble cast. Directed by Edson Oda, this unique exploration of life and existence has been praised for its originality and emotional depth. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Edson Oda
Actors: Arianna Ortiz, Benedict Wong, Bill Skarsgård, Brandy Pitcher, David Rysdahl, Geraldine Hughes, Perry Smith, Tony Hale, Winston Duke, Zazie Beetz
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: 30WEST, Baked Studios, Juniper Productions
Worldwide Gross: $967,662