New Perfect Two
Ah Bee, once a celebrated motorcycle racing champion, abandoned the sport following a devastating crash that left him with both physical and emotional wounds. Currently, Ah Bee is a self-destructive individual, indulging in alcohol and gambling, while living a life of idleness. By his side is Maniu, a spirited tomboy who takes care of his meals and laundry, all the while playfully reminding him of his shortcomings. Her charmingly cheeky manner makes her one of those idealized movie characters who remain devoted to a man despite his self-destructive habits.
Views: 2
Director: Yen-Ping Chu
Actors: Ella Chen, Ella Chen Chia-hwa, Ella Chen Jia Hua, Vic Chou, Vivian Hsu, Xiao Xiao Bin, Yang Mi
Country: Taiwan
Company: Beijing Enlight Pictures, Stellar Mega Films, Vision Films
Worldwide Gross: $309,845