In 1984, a series of shocking events known as the Chimera incident, involving serial murders and explosions, left a lasting impact. Fast forward thirty-five years to 2019, and these horrific…
Cha Jin-Wook hails from an affluent family that owns a major corporation. Known for his interest in fleeting romances, his perspective shifts after encountering Lee Yoo-Mi, a woman who has…
In reference to Article 38, which deals with tax obligations, this specialized police team employs the same fraudulent methods and trickery used by criminals to apprehend wealthy individuals who evade…
One day, while on a case, private investigator Yoon San is transformed into a vampire. As he takes on different clients and solves their mysteries, he also begins to unravel…
Baek Shi-Yoon, a former secret operative, is a highly skilled human weapon. To conceal his history, he purchases a bar called “Neighborhood” and operates it as its proprietor. He forms…
In this dramatic narrative, Kim Do Hyung embarks on a frantic quest to find his wife, Yoon Joo Young, who has vanished without a trace. Assisting him in this urgent…
Lee Myung-hyun and his team of disease control experts are tasked with investigating a deadly mutant virus that proves fatal to anyone infected within just three days. Their mission is…