Neon Bull
Set against the backdrop of Brazil’s vibrant vaquejada culture, this film follows the life of Iremar, a bull handler with dreams of becoming a fashion designer. The narrative intricately weaves the daily struggles and aspirations of Iremar and his companions as they travel from rodeo to rodeo. Directed by Gabriel Mascaro, the film is noted for its visually striking cinematography and exploration of gender roles and identity. It has garnered critical acclaim and was awarded the Special Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival’s Horizons section. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Gabriel Mascaro
Actors: Abigail Pereira, Aline Santana, Alyne Santana, Carlos Pessoa, Daniel Mario Ferreira de Carvalho, Josinaldo Alves, Josinaldo da Silva, Juliano Cazarré, Maeve Jinkings, Marcelo Caetano, Roberto Birindelli, Samya De Lavor, Vinícius de Oliveira
Country: Brazil, Netherlands, Uruguay
Company: Desvia Filmes, Malbicho Cine, Viking Film
Worldwide Gross: $173,219