Set in 1970s Glasgow, this gritty drama follows the life of a young boy, John McGill, as he transitions from a promising student to a troubled teenager entangled in the city’s gang culture. The film explores themes of violence, identity, and the impact of environment on personal development. Directed by Peter Mullan, it features a compelling performance by Conor McCarron in the lead role. The film received critical acclaim and won the Best Film award at the San Sebastian International Film Festival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Peter Mullan
Actors: Alex Donald, Conor McCarron, David McKay, Gary Lewis, Joe Cassidy, John Joe Hay, Linda Cuthbert, Martin Bell, Mhairi Anderson, Richard Mack
Country: France, Italy, United Kingdom
Company: Blue Light, Fidélité Films, Film4, Scottish Screen, StudioUrania, UK Film Council
Worldwide Gross: $2,019,939