Necropolis: Legion
The story revolves around Eva, a demonic vampire witch whose seductive nocturnal ceremonies are abruptly halted when devout villagers storm her hideout and kill her. Fast forward a hundred years, and Lisa, a writer who rides a motorcycle, takes up residence in the very cabin where Eva met her end, aiming to pen a book about the location’s eerie past. Before long, Lisa experiences intense, twisted dreams, and gradually, Eva starts to possess her, using Lisa’s body as a conduit to perpetrate further horrors in an effort to revive an ancient beast from the depths of the underworld.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Chris Alexander
Actors: Adam Buller, Alexis Korotash, Ali Chappell, Augie Duke, Goldie Rocket, Joseph Lopez, Lynn Lowry, Stephanie Delorme, Steve Kasan, Zoe Georgaras
Country: Canada
Company: Full Moon Features