Set in a dystopian future where recreational drugs are legal, the film follows Frank Grieves, a former addict turned law enforcement officer, as he investigates a mysterious death that leads him to uncover a conspiracy involving a powerful pharmaceutical company. The movie stars Elliot Cowan and Elodie Yung, delivering compelling performances in a world where the lines between legality and morality blur. Directed by Justin Trefgarne, the film explores themes of addiction, corporate power, and personal redemption. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Justin Trefgarne
Actors: Cosima Shaw, Elliot Cowan, Élodie Yung, Gethin Anthony, Harry Lloyd, James Callis, Jonathan Pryce, Josef Altin, Molly Gaisford, Robert Bathurst
Country: United Kingdom
Company: T Squared Films