In this gritty crime thriller, a suspended undercover narcotics officer, played by Jason Patric, is drawn back into the force to investigate the murder of a young cop. Teaming up with the slain officer’s volatile former partner, portrayed by Ray Liotta, the duo delves into the seedy underbelly of Detroit’s drug scene. Directed by Joe Carnahan, the film is noted for its intense performances and raw, realistic portrayal of police work. While it didn’t receive major awards, it garnered critical acclaim for its storytelling and character depth. This movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Joe Carnahan
Actors: Alan van Sprang, Anne Openshaw, Busta Rhymes, Chi McBride, Jason Patric, John Ortiz, Krista Bridges, Ray Liotta, Richard Chevolleau, Tony De Santis
Country: Canada, Germany, United States of America
Company: Cruise/Wagner Productions, Lions Gate Films, Lionsgate, Lionsgate Films, Paramount Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $12,633,747