In this psychological drama, a lonely and enigmatic woman becomes convinced that she was abducted as a child, leading her to contact a couple whose daughter went missing 30 years ago. The film stars Andrea Riseborough, who delivers a compelling performance, alongside Steve Buscemi and Ann Dowd. Directed by Christina Choe, the movie delves into themes of identity and longing, creating a tense and thought-provoking narrative. It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, where it received critical acclaim. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Christina Choe
Actors: Andrea Riseborough, Ann Dowd, J. Smith-Cameron, John Leguizamo, Linda Kutrubes, Lorenzo Beronilla, Olli Haaskivi, Owen Campbell, Samrat Chakrabarti, Steve Buscemi, T. Sahara Meer, Virginia Kull
Country: United States of America
Company: Eon Productions, Mental Pictures, XS Media
Worldwide Gross: $92,000