My Son
In this gripping thriller, a father, played by James McAvoy, embarks on a desperate search for his missing son, unraveling a web of secrets and lies. The film is directed by Christian Carion, known for his ability to craft intense narratives. Claire Foy stars alongside McAvoy, adding depth to the emotional journey. An interesting fact about the production is that McAvoy was not given a script, allowing his reactions to be genuine and spontaneous. This movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Christian Carion
Actors: Andrew John Tait, Claire Foy, Gary Lewis, James McAvoy, Mark Barrett, Max Wilson, Michael Moreland, Paul Rattray, Robert Jack, Rosalind Sydney, Tom Cullen
Country: France, Germany, United Kingdom
Company: Sixteen Films, Une Hirondelle Productions, Wild Bunch International
Worldwide Gross: $962,689