My Dog Skip
Set in the 1940s, this heartwarming film follows the life of a young boy named Willie Morris, played by Frankie Muniz, whose world changes when he receives a Jack Russell Terrier named Skip. The story beautifully captures the bond between the boy and his dog, exploring themes of friendship, growth, and the challenges of childhood. Kevin Bacon and Diane Lane also star, adding depth to the narrative with their performances. Directed by Jay Russell, the film is based on the autobiographical book by Willie Morris. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Jay Russell
Actors: Bradley Coryell, Caitlin Wachs, Chaon Cross, Cody Linley, Daylan Honeycutt, Diane Lane, Elizabeth Rice, Frankie Muniz, Harry Connick Jr., Hunter Hayes, Kevin Bacon, Luke Wilson, Peter Crombie, Susan Carol Davis
Country: United States of America
Company: Alcon Entertainment, MDS Productions LLC
Worldwide Gross: $35,547,761