My Blind Brother
In this comedy-drama, the story revolves around the complex relationship between two brothers, one of whom is blind and an overachieving athlete, while the other feels overshadowed and underappreciated. The film stars Adam Scott, Nick Kroll, and Jenny Slate, who deliver engaging performances that explore themes of sibling rivalry and personal insecurities. Directed by Sophie Goodhart, the movie offers a blend of humor and heartfelt moments. While it hasn’t received major awards, it provides an entertaining narrative that can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Sophie Goodhart
Actors: Adam Scott, Charlie Hewson, Heidi Lewandowski, Jenny Slate, Kellen Boyle, Maryanne Nagel, Nick Kroll, Talia Tabin, Yassie Hawkes, Zoe Kazan
Country: United States of America
Company: Low Spark Films, Safehouse Pictures, Think Media Studios