Museum Hours
In this contemplative film directed by Jem Cohen, the story unfolds in Vienna, where a museum guard named Johann forms an unexpected friendship with Anne, a Canadian woman visiting the city due to a family emergency. The narrative explores themes of art, connection, and the passage of time, set against the backdrop of the Kunsthistorisches Museum. The film is noted for its meditative pace and the way it blurs the lines between documentary and fiction. Stars include Mary Margaret O’Hara and Bobby Sommer, whose performances add depth to the introspective storyline. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Jem Cohen
Actors: Bobby Sommer, Deborah Gzesh, Ela Piplits, Evelyne Egerer, Gerda Hartl, Marco Calamita, Marcus O'Hara, Mary Margaret O'Hara, Nina Calamita, Sigrid Mölg
Country: Austria, United States of America
Company: Gravity Hill Films, KGP Filmproduktion, Little Magnet Films
Worldwide Gross: $639,121