Mumon: The Land of Stealth
Set in the tumultuous Sengoku period of Japan, this film follows the story of Mumon, a highly skilled yet lazy ninja who becomes embroiled in a conflict between his clan and a rival faction. The narrative explores themes of loyalty, honor, and the personal cost of warfare, all while maintaining a balance of action and humor. Starring Satoshi Ohno and Satomi Ishihara, the film is directed by Yoshihiro Nakamura, known for his adept storytelling. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, it stands out for its engaging plot and dynamic performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, History, Romance, War
Director: Yoshihiro Nakamura
Actors: Danshun Tatekawa, Denden, Jun Kunimura, Kitaro, Makita Sports, Ryohei Suzuki, Satomi Ishihara, Satoshi Ohno, Shinnosuke Mitsushima, Yuna Taira, Yuri Chinen, Yusuke Iseya
Country: Japan
Company: Chubu-nippon Broadcasting Company (CBC), Chugoku Broadcasting (RCC), Chunichi Shimbun
Worldwide Gross: $17,952,505