Montparnasse Bienvenue
In this 2017 film directed by Léonor Serraille, the story follows Paula, a young woman navigating the complexities of life in Paris after a sudden breakup. As she struggles to find her footing, Paula encounters a series of challenges and unexpected friendships that test her resilience and adaptability. The film stars Laetitia Dosch, whose compelling performance brings depth to the character’s journey of self-discovery. Notably, the film won the Caméra d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, highlighting its critical acclaim. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Léonor Serraille
Actors: Arnaud de Cazes, Audrey Bonnet, Erika Sainte, Grégoire Monsaingeon, Jean-Christophe Folly, Laetitia Dosch, Léonie Simaga, Lila-Rose Gilberti, Lilas-Rose Gilberti-Poisot, Nathalie Richard, Souleymane Seye Ndiaye
Company: Arte / Cofinova 12, Blue Monday Productions, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC)
Worldwide Gross: $423,747