Monster High: 13 Wishes
In this animated adventure, the ghouls of Monster High embark on a thrilling journey when Howleen Wolf discovers a magical genie lamp that grants her 13 wishes. As the wishes unfold, the students find themselves navigating unexpected challenges and learning valuable lessons about friendship and self-discovery. The film features the voice talents of Erin Fitzgerald and America Young, bringing the beloved characters to life. Directed by Andrew Duncan, this installment in the Monster High series offers a blend of humor and heart, appealing to fans of all ages. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Family, Fantasy
Director: Andrew Duncan, Audu Paden, Steve Sacks
Actors: America Young, Audu Paden, Cam Clarke, Debi Derryberry, Erin Fitzgerald, Evan Smith, Jonquil Goode, Kate Higgins, Marcus Griffin, Salli Saffioti
Country: United States of America
Company: Mattel, Nerd Corps Entertainment