Monkey King Reborn
In this animated fantasy adventure, the legendary Monkey King embarks on a thrilling quest to restore balance after inadvertently releasing a powerful demon. The film delves into themes of redemption and responsibility, as the protagonist faces formidable challenges and learns valuable lessons along the way. Directed by Yunfei Wang, the movie showcases stunning animation and engaging storytelling. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it stands out for its vibrant visuals and dynamic action sequences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Animation, Family, Fantasy
Director: Yunfei Wang
Actors: Baomu Zhongyang, Haiting Cai, He Zhang, Jiang Bian, Lin Qiang, Liu Sicen, Qiang Lin, Shangqing Su, Sheng Feng, Sicen Liu, Song Ming, Su Shangqing, Wang Chenguang, Zhang He, Zhang Lei, Zhongyang Baomu
Country: China, United States of America
Company: Filmko Film Co., SAG-AFTRA
Worldwide Gross: $13,017,088