Set in the late 1990s, this heartwarming film follows a young girl named Beverly Moody, played by Gemma Brooke Allen, who discovers a broken mixtape that belonged to her late parents. As she embarks on a journey to track down each song on the tape, she uncovers stories about her parents and forms new friendships along the way. Directed by Valerie Weiss, the movie captures the essence of nostalgia and the power of music in connecting generations. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Valerie Weiss
Actors: Anthony Timpano, Audrey Hsieh, Diego Mercado, Gemma Brooke Allen, Jackson Rathbone, Julie Bowen, Kiefer O'Reilly, Lucas Yao, Nick Thune, Olga Petsa
Country: United States of America