Miss Baek
In this gripping South Korean drama, a reclusive woman with a troubled past finds herself drawn into the life of a young girl suffering from abuse. The film stars Han Ji-min in a powerful performance, alongside Kim Si-ah, and explores themes of redemption and the impact of childhood trauma. Directed by Lee Ji-won, the movie has been praised for its raw and emotional storytelling. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Ji-won Lee
Actors: Baek Soo-jang, Han Ji-min, Jang Young-nam, Jun Suk-ho, Kim Si-a, Kim Sun-young, Kwon So-hyun, Lee Hee-jun, Lee Joo-young, Lee Jung-eun
Country: South Korea
Company: LiTTLE BiG PiCTURES, OnDemandKorea, Sega Sammy Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $5,326,218