In this intriguing Spanish thriller directed by Oriol Paulo, a woman named Vera finds herself caught in a mysterious time loop after discovering an old television set that allows her to communicate with a boy from the past. As she attempts to prevent a tragedy, her actions inadvertently alter the present, leading to unforeseen consequences. The film stars Adriana Ugarte, who delivers a compelling performance as Vera, navigating the complex narrative with emotional depth. This captivating story of time travel and its ripple effects can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Oriol Paulo
Actors: Adriana Ugarte, Aina Clotet, Albert Pérez, Álvaro Morte, Chino Darín, Clara Segura, Javier Gutiérrez, Mima Riera, Miquel Fernández, Nora Navas
Country: Spain
Company: Atresmedia, Atresmedia Cine, Audiovisual Aval SGR
Worldwide Gross: $17,325,485