Miracles From Heaven
In this 2016 drama directed by Patricia Riggen, a young girl named Anna Beam, played by Kylie Rogers, suffers from a rare, incurable digestive disorder that leaves her family searching for answers. Her mother, portrayed by Jennifer Garner, embarks on a journey of faith and hope as they navigate the challenges of Anna’s illness. The film explores themes of resilience and the power of belief, culminating in an unexpected turn of events that defies medical explanation. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, Family, Fantasy
Director: Patricia Riggen
Actors: Brighton Sharbino, Courtney Fansler, Eugenio Derbez, Jennifer Garner, John Carroll Lynch, Kelly Collins Lintz, Kylie Rogers, Martin Henderson, Queen Latifah, Wayne Pére
Country: United States of America
Company: Affirm Films, Columbia Pictures, Roth Films
Worldwide Gross: $74,072,344