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In this poignant coming-of-age drama directed by Sanna Lenken, the story revolves around a young girl named Stella who navigates the complexities of adolescence while dealing with her older sister Katja’s struggle with an eating disorder. The film delicately explores themes of sibling relationships, self-discovery, and the impact of mental health on family dynamics. Notably, the film won the Crystal Bear for Best Film in the Generation Kplus section at the 2015 Berlin International Film Festival. The performances, particularly by the young cast, have been praised for their authenticity and emotional depth. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Sanna Lenken
Actors: Amy Deasismont, Annika Hallin, Ellen Lindbom, Emelie Strömberg, Henrik Norlén, Hugo Wijk, Karin de Frumerie, Maxim Mehmet, Noam Asseraf, Rebecka Josephson
Company: Film i Väst, Fortune Cookie Filmproduktion, Tangy
Worldwide Gross: $355,306