Midnight Son
In this atmospheric horror drama, the story follows Jacob, a reclusive young man grappling with a mysterious illness that forces him to avoid sunlight and develop an insatiable craving for blood. As he navigates his condition, he forms a complex relationship with Mary, a troubled bartender, which adds layers to his struggle for normalcy. The film, directed by Scott Leberecht, delves into themes of isolation and identity, offering a fresh take on the vampire genre. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it features compelling performances by Zak Kilberg and Maya Parish. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Scott Leberecht
Actors: Arlen Escarpeta, Billy Louviere, Jo D. Jonz, Juanita Jennings, Kevin McCorkle, Larry Cedar, Maya Parish, Shawn-Caulin Young, Tracey Walter, Zak Kilberg
Country: United States of America
Company: Free Lunch Productions
Worldwide Gross: $973