Middleton Christmas
In a quaint town, high school dean Alana and her lively teenage daughter Samantha organize a holiday concert to rescue the school, enlisting the help of Johnny, a new maintenance worker and Army veteran, along with his reserved son Max. However, when a car crash leaves Sam in critical condition, Alana seeks comfort from Johnny, while Max makes a pivotal choice that will unite their families for life. Together, the four of them must reevaluate their beliefs about sacrifice, family, and love, and contemplate the true meaning of gratitude during the Christmas season.
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Director: Dale Fabrigar
Actors: Anzu Lawson, Cheyenne Haynes, Eileen Davidson, Eileen Davidson Van Patten, Kennedy Tucker, Michael Paré, Nancy Valen, Natalia Álvarez-Bilbao, Paul Fox, Tim Abell, Trevor Stines
Company: Suzanne DeLaurentiis Productions