Mickey Virus
In this 2013 film directed by Saurabh Varma, the story revolves around Mickey Arora, a lazy but brilliant hacker who runs a grocery store in Delhi. Mickey’s life takes a thrilling turn when he is roped in by the police to help solve a complex cybercrime case. The film stars Manish Paul in the lead role, supported by Elli Avram and Manish Choudhary. Known for its blend of comedy and suspense, the movie offers an engaging narrative that keeps the audience guessing. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Saurabh Varma
Actors: Dean Alexandrou, Elli Avram, Maniesh Paul, Manish Chaudhary, Mohammad Sijan, Puja Gupta, Raghav Kakkar, Varun Badola
Country: India
Company: Awesome Films, DAR Motion Pictures, Trilogic Digital Media