Michael Inside
In this gripping Irish drama, the story follows an 18-year-old named Michael McCrea, portrayed by Dafhyd Flynn, who lives with his grandfather in a Dublin housing estate. After being caught holding drugs for a friend, Michael is sentenced to three months in prison, where he faces the harsh realities of life behind bars. The film, directed by Frank Berry, offers a poignant exploration of the impact of incarceration on young lives and the cycle of crime. It won the Best Film award at the Irish Film and Television Awards. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama
Director: Frank Berry
Actors: Dafhyd Flynn, Hazel Doupe, John Burke, Lalor Roddy, Moe Dunford, Robbie Walsh, Robert Walsh, Shane Gately, Steven Blount, Stevie Greaney, Tony Doyle
Country: Ireland
Company: Subotica
Worldwide Gross: $61,034