In this intense thriller, a woman named Lisa finds herself trapped in a series of claustrophobic, maze-like tunnels with a limited time to escape. As she navigates the deadly labyrinth, she must confront her past and the psychological challenges that arise. The film stars Gaia Weiss, whose performance adds depth to the gripping narrative. Directed by Mathieu Turi, the movie combines elements of horror and suspense to create a tense atmosphere. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Mathieu Turi
Actors: Carl Laforêt, Corneliu Dragomirescu, Eva Niewdanski, Fabien Houssaye, Frédéric Franchitti, Gaia Weiss, Peter Franzén, Romane Libert
Country: France
Company: Cinéfrance Studios, Equitime, Fulltime Studio
Worldwide Gross: $675,001