Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter
In this Marvel One-Shot, the story follows Peggy Carter, portrayed by Hayley Atwell, as she navigates the challenges of working in a male-dominated post-war environment. Set in the aftermath of World War II, Carter takes on a dangerous mission that tests her skills and determination, proving her worth as a formidable agent. Directed by Louis D’Esposito, this short film showcases Carter’s resilience and intelligence, further expanding her character’s narrative within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Short
Director: Louis D'Esposito
Actors: Bradley Whitford, Chris Evans, Dominic Cooper, Greg Haines, Hayley Atwell, Jon Barinholtz, Neal McDonough, Sarah Schreiber, Shane Black, Tim Trobec
Country: United States of America
Company: Marvel Studios