Mars et Avril
Set in a futuristic Montreal, this visually stunning film explores the intersection of music, love, and technology. The story follows a celebrated musician, played by Jacques Languirand, who becomes infatuated with a young photographer, portrayed by Caroline Dhavernas. As their relationship unfolds, the narrative delves into themes of creativity and the human experience. Directed by Martin Villeneuve, the film is notable for its imaginative production design and philosophical undertones. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Martin Villeneuve
Actors: André Montmorency, Caroline Dhavernas, Jacques Languirand, Jean Asselin, Jean Marchand, Kathleen Fortin, Marcel Sabourin, Paul Ahmarani, Robert Lepage, Stéphane Demers
Country: Canada
Company: Imelda Films, Productions du 8e art