Maries Story
Set in the late 19th century, this poignant drama follows the journey of a young girl who is both deaf and blind, and her determined teacher from a convent who strives to help her communicate with the world. The film stars Isabelle Carré and Ariana Rivoire, whose performances bring depth to this inspiring true story. Directed by Jean-Pierre Améris, the movie beautifully captures the challenges and triumphs of overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It was well-received for its sensitive portrayal of disability and education. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jean-Pierre Améris
Actors: Ariana Rivoire, Brigitte Catillon, Christophe Tourrette, Gilles Treton, Isabelle Carré, Laure Duthilleul, Martine Gautier, Noémie Bianco, Patricia Legrand, Sonia Laroze
Country: France
Company: Escazal Films, France 3 Cinéma, Rhône-Alpes Cinéma
Worldwide Gross: $1,173,514