Mariah Carey’s All I Want for Christmas Is You
In this heartwarming animated holiday film, a young girl named Mariah dreams of getting a puppy for Christmas. As she embarks on a series of adventures to prove she is responsible enough to care for a pet, she learns valuable lessons about family, friendship, and the true spirit of the holiday season. The movie features the voice talents of Mariah Carey, who also serves as the film’s narrator. Directed by Guy Vasilovich, this charming story captures the magic of Christmas and is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Holiday Animation
Director: Guy Vasilovich
Actors: Breanna Yde, Bria Danielle Singleton, Henry Winkler, Julian Zane, Keiko Agena, Lacey Chabert, Laya DeLeon Hayes, Mariah Carey, Montse Hernandez, Phil Morris
Country: China, United States of America
Company: Magic Carpet Productions, Prime Focus World, Splash Entertainment