In this 2017 comedy-drama directed by Amanda Sthers, a wealthy American couple, played by Toni Collette and Harvey Keitel, host a lavish dinner party in their Parisian mansion. To even out the number of guests, they ask their maid, portrayed by Rossy de Palma, to pose as a mysterious Spanish noblewoman. As the evening unfolds, unexpected romantic entanglements and social tensions arise, leading to humorous and poignant moments. The film explores themes of class and identity with a light touch. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Amanda Sthers
Actors: Ariane Seguillon, Beatrice Ecaterina Mujdei, Brendan Patricks, Harvey Keitel, Michael Smiley, Rossy de Palma, Stanislas Mehrar, Sue Cann, Tom Hughes, Toni Collette, Violaine Gillibert
Country: France
Company: LGM Productions, PM SA, StudioCanal
Worldwide Gross: $5,381,950