In this engaging South Korean comedy, a hitman and a struggling actor find their lives intertwined after a chance encounter at a bathhouse leads to a case of swapped identities. The film stars Yoo Hae-jin and Lee Joon, whose performances bring humor and depth to the story. Directed by Kae-Byeok Lee, the movie cleverly balances action and comedy, offering a fresh take on the theme of identity and self-discovery. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, its unique plot and engaging performances have made it a favorite among audiences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime
Director: Kae-Byeok Lee
Actors: Cha Soon-hyeong, Cha Yeob, Cha Yup, Go Joon, Jo Han-chul, Jo Yoon-hee, Kim Ji An, Kim Min-sang, Lee Joon, Lim Ji-yeon, Yoo Hae-jin, Yoo Hai-jin, Yun-hie Jo
Country: South Korea
Company: DMZ Comics, DMZ Entertainment, Yong Film
Worldwide Gross: $48,913,975