Lu Over the Wall
In a quaint fishing village, a young boy named Kai finds his life transformed when he encounters a mermaid named Lu. The film explores themes of friendship, acceptance, and the clash between tradition and modernity, all set against a vibrant and fantastical backdrop. Directed by Masaaki Yuasa, the movie is noted for its unique animation style and energetic musical sequences. It won the Cristal for a Feature Film at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Music
Director: Masaaki Yuasa
Actors: Akira Emoto, Cho, Kanon Tani, Kenichi Suzumura, Minako Kotobuki, Shizuka Itoh, Shota Shimoda, Soma Saito, Takayuki Sugo, Tokuyoshi Kawashima
Country: Japan
Company: Fuji Television Network, Fuji Television Network (Fuji TV), TOHO, Toho Company, Twin Engine
Worldwide Gross: $161,253