Lowlife Love
In this 2015 film directed by Eiji Uchida, the story delves into the gritty underbelly of Japan’s independent film scene. It follows a struggling filmmaker who exploits aspiring actors and actresses, revealing the darker side of ambition and desperation in the pursuit of artistic dreams. The film features a standout performance by Kiyohiko Shibukawa, who brings depth to the complex lead character. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, it offers a raw and unflinching look at the sacrifices made for art. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Eiji Uchida
Actors: Chika Uchida, Denden, Houka Kinoshita, Kanji Furutachi, Kanji Tsuda, Kiyohiko Shibukawa, Maya Okano, Sachie Yamasaki, Shugo Oshinari, Yoshihiko Hosoda
Country: Japan, United Kingdom
Company: Libertas, Third Window Films