Lauren Reynolds, an attractive young woman burdened by a troubled family life, decides to swear off dating after ending things with her drug-addicted ex, Matt. Juggling the responsibilities of caring for her two younger brothers, enduring a monotonous nine-to-five job alongside her best friend, and attempting to reason with her mother who suffers from physical abuse, Lauren finds little time or inclination to pursue a new relationship. However, her perspective shifts when she encounters Brandon Phillips, who seems to be the ideal partner. Unbeknownst to Lauren, she is about to discover that Brandon’s appealing facade conceals a much darker, more menacing side.
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Director: Erica Summers
Actors: Amber Watson, Dorian Council, Kaitlyn Ale, Mildred Ciraco, Nicole Elias, Noah Schnacky, Rebecca Hudson, Ryan Gilmer, Sergio Dimaggio, Vincent Ciraco
Country: United States of America