Lovely Molly
In this psychological horror film directed by Eduardo Sánchez, the story follows a young woman named Molly who moves into her deceased father’s rural home with her new husband. As they settle in, Molly begins to experience disturbing events and a descent into madness, blurring the lines between reality and supernatural forces. The film stars Gretchen Lodge in a compelling performance as Molly, supported by Johnny Lewis and Alexandra Holden. Known for its unsettling atmosphere and intense psychological themes, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Eduardo Sánchez
Actors: Alexandra Holden, Brenna McDonough, Gretchen Lodge, Johnny Lewis, Ken Arnold, Александра Холден
Country: United States of America
Company: Amber Entertainment, Haxan Films
Worldwide Gross: $638,274