Love Begins
Clark Davis, portrayed by Wes Brown, has his adventurous aspirations of exploring the world threatened when he and a companion get into a brawl that results in damage to a local café. To avoid harsher consequences, he strikes a deal with the Sheriff, played by Jere Burns, and the café owner, Millie, played by Nancy McKeon, to work off his debt as a farmhand for the Barlow sisters, Ellen (Julie Mond) and Cassie (Abigail Mavity). Ellen, the elder sister, is puzzled by Cassie’s warm demeanor towards Clark; she only accepted the Sheriff’s proposal because managing the farm alone had become overwhelming. As Clark gradually wins Ellen’s trust, he suffers a severe head injury from a fall. Ellen tends to his recovery, but complications arise when her former fiancé reappears, hoping to rekindle their relationship. Will Clark choose to continue his journey or remain where love is blossoming?
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Genre: Drama, Family, Romance, TV Movie, Western
Director: David S. Cass Sr.
Actors: Abigail Mavity, Daniel Buran, David Tom, Jere Burns, Julie Mond, Nancy McKeon, Steffani Brass, Wes Brown
Country: Ireland, United States of America
Company: Faith & Family Entertainment, MNG Films, RHI Entertainment