Lottery Ticket
In this comedic tale, a young man from the projects, played by Bow Wow, finds himself in a whirlwind of chaos after winning a $370 million lottery. As word spreads about his newfound fortune, he must navigate the challenges of protecting his ticket from opportunistic neighbors and friends over a long holiday weekend. The film features a notable performance by Ice Cube, adding to its appeal. Directed by Erik White, this movie offers a humorous yet insightful look at the impact of sudden wealth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy
Director: Erik White
Actors: Brandon T. Jackson, Charlie Murphy, Ice Cube, Keith David, Loretta Devine, Mike Epps, Naturi Naughton, Shad Moss, Teairra Mari, Terry Crews
Country: United States of America
Company: Alcon Entertainment, Burg/Koules Productions, Cube Vision
Worldwide Gross: $24,719,879