Lost City Raiders
In a world where rising sea levels have submerged much of the Earth’s land, a family of treasure hunters embarks on a quest to find a powerful ancient artifact that could save humanity. The film stars James Brolin and Ian Somerhalder, who lead the charge in this action-packed adventure. Directed by Jean de Segonzac, the movie combines elements of science fiction and environmental themes. While it didn’t receive any notable awards, it offers an engaging narrative for fans of the genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Jean de Segonzac
Actors: Ben Cross, Bettina Zimmermann, Elodie Frenck, Ian Somerhalder, James Brolin, Jamie Thomas King, Jeremy Crutchley, Michael Mendl, Peter Butler, Robin Smith
Country: Germany
Company: Tandem Communications