Lost Boys: The Thirst
In this 2010 horror film directed by Dario Piana, the story follows the iconic vampire hunter Edgar Frog, played by Corey Feldman, as he faces a new threat in the form of a vampire rave party. The plot thickens when a best-selling author enlists Edgar’s help to rescue her brother from the clutches of the undead. The film combines elements of action and horror, maintaining the franchise’s signature blend of thrills and humor. While it may not have received any major awards, fans of the series can enjoy this installment on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror
Director: Dario Piana
Actors: Casey B. Dolan, Corey Feldman, Felix Mosse, Hennie Bosman, Jamison Newlander, Joe Vaz, Matthew Dylan Roberts, Sean Cameron Michael, Seb Castang, Tanit Phoenix
Country: Germany, South Africa, United States of America
Company: Film Afrika Worldwide, Hollywood Media Bridge, Thunder Road Pictures